Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Week 1, Tuesday

OK, the excitement of actually learning how to create a blog is wearing off and the business of recording the journey of walking/running a half marathon needs to start.
Would you believe I actually watched Oprah yesterday? I did! She spent a good part of the show talking about her weight struggles and how she believed that her weight challenge actually starts with "balance." She maintained that she continually put herself last, and so she was not taking care of herself. I can relate to that. As a mom, I spend a lot of time "doing" for my kids although before any of you comment, I will say that I have very competent, able children who do a lot for themselves. However, there are many times that I feel more fulfilled at the end of the day because of how many items I have checked off my to-do list, than if I had done something for myself. It's a guilt thing, I think.
Today I am painting my kitchen (w/Kilz since I have already stripped the wallpaper), but I will go to Bally's today and get in a good workout. The training schedule that More provides says that I need to do 25 minutes of fast walking twice this week, or run 1.5 miles twice this week. I'm feeling very motivated right now, so I'll say that I will run the 1.5 mile commitment at least once this week, and fast walk the 25 minutes for the other. I did buy new running shoes for myself, and because I know that motivation can wane after a while, a new running outfit. (oh stop! you'd do the same thing! Besides, it was big-time on sale!) I'll see if I have the guts to have someone take a picture of me in it to post here later.
I think I'll watch Oprah again today.....

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